C F C   K I D S   C H U R C H

Our children's program is a fun and dynamic service where our primary focus is partnering with parents to help your kids make wiser choices, build strong relationships, and develop a deeper faith.

Our curriculum combines child development and theology to create a strategy to influence their faith at every phase of their life. Each month we have an exciting new theme and set to keep them excited and engaged each week.

We firmly believe in partnering with parents to help

YOU be the hero in your child's life.

We have a NURSERY class for ages 2 Months to 18 Months

a TODDLER class for ages 18 Months to 3 Years Old,

& classes for ages 3 Years Old to KINDERGARTEN & 1st - 5th GRADES. 

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...